6 Free Resume Templates for Auto Mechanics to Stand Out from the Crowd
So, you just got out of auto mechanic school, and you now need to take the leap and become a professional auto mechanic? Or maybe you have worked at the same place for a couple of years now, and you’re starting to think that you may be worth more than what your actual employer is paying you? Well, whatever the case, the first thing you will need is a brand-new or updated resume. I’ve been through this numerous times in my life, and every time, it’s been a real pain. You always end up opening Microsoft Word, entering all your info using bulleted lists in Times New Roman font, and it always looks boring as hell. In fact, it will look as boring as any other resume that any car repair shop manager has ever seen.
And they see a lot of them!
So, I made some research on the web for some good-looking resume templates I could use… I found out there’s more than you can think of available for free! The only problem is that all of these resumes were made by and for web designers and professional illustrators, resulting in a lot of greatly designed free resumes, all in Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator files format I can’t even open and even less customize because I am no designer and these
As a result, I decided to create my own resumes, inspired by great resume templates found on the web, and to share them with you!
I created 6 free resume templates, specifically designed for auto mechanics, that you can easily open and customize using a totally free software called Inkscape (this is the software I have used for almost every single image, logo, or graphic on this website). Of course, you can also use a free resume creator — whatever works for you!
Don’t worry if you don’t know how to use Inkscape, I will provide all the links needed to download it and all the links to get free icons and graphics that you can use as well as all the detailed instructions on how to edit them (I am not affiliated in any way with any of the links provided nor receive any monetary compensation for doing so. It’s only the best free resources I have found). I will also provide all the links where you can find all the original resumes used as inspiration. I am no professional designer, so all the credits go to the authors.
For more info on how to customize any of these templates using Inkscape, click here!
The font used on all of these templates is the Rubik font by Hubert & Fischer. It’s absolutely free, and you can find it here: https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/rubik
Auto Mechanic Resume Templates #1
This one is pretty clean and simple. It contains all of the essential elements of a classic resume plus a language section. You can always delete this section if you only speak English and add more skills or hobbies. I also find that having a header banner adds a little professional touch and helps you stand out from the crowd.
The inspiration for this one comes https://www.behance.net/gallery/16708481/free-resume-cover-letter
Auto Mechanic Resume Templates #2
Another clean and simple one. It features a map for those of you who speak more than one language so you can show where you learned it. It’s especially good-looking if you know more languages than English and Spanish.
Just imagine the look of that map if you happen to speak Russian!
The inspiration for this one comes from https://dribbble.com/shots/2151810-Free-Minimal-Clean-Resume-Template-PS-AI
Auto Mechanic Resume Templates #3
This one adds a little touch of color. Most resumes are a bit bland to my taste. Anyway, this one feature a “special skills” section, which is great if you are really good at electrical problems or maybe electric vehicles or hybrids. It lets you showcase whatever makes you special as an auto mechanic. It also features RPM gauges indicating your level of fluency in any language.
Auto Mechanic Resume Templates #4
I created this one to look like a vehicle inspection checklist. The car graphic and the dot-rating system are sure to make it stand out from other, more classic resumes. The header banner featuring a rally race car adds a younger and more active feeling to it. I thought it was a great idea, but you can always replace it
The inspiration for this one comes from https://graphicriver.net/item/visual-resume/9242222
Auto Mechanic Resume Templates #5
This one is a little more design-oriented. You’ll need to be able to scale text, but if you take a look at our “How to customize our templates” post, you should be able to do this in no time. It may require a little more effort to make it work, but this resume is sure to end up somewhere in the middle, if not straight on top of the pile!
The inspiration for this one comes from http://www.pixeden.com/resumes-templates/creative-resume-template-vol-1
Auto Mechanic Resume Templates #6
The last one is a lot more design-oriented. It only features the very essential elements leaving a little mystery. The simple 2-pages design brings a lot of space for the text to breathe and looks a little more classy. It’s perfect if you have an impressive work experience record or if you won some award that speaks for itself. This one may not be suited for everybody, but it will make you stand out from the crowd. If I ever received one of these on my desk, there’s no doubt I would put it on the top of the pile!
The inspiration for this one comes from https://www.behance.net/gallery/24416019/Self-Promotion-Free-CV
(In fact, I almost only recreated it and customized it for auto mechanics. All credits go to the author.)

That’s it!
So now what?
We are car mechanics and not web designers, you tell me?
Well, me too! And if I can do it, so do you!
If you need any help customizing these templates, just take a look at our “How to customize our templates” post!
It will show you how to easily use these templates and transform them to create your perfect C.V.
If you still need any help or have any questions or suggestions, just send me an email at [email protected], and I will try to help you the best I can.
In the meantime, have a nice day!