Challenges Modifying Your SFD-Protected Volkswagen or Audi?

The world of automotive software keeps rolling out new updates and innovations every day. Amongst these new upgrades is the greater focus on automotive software online security. This is why in 2020, Volkswagen Group (VAG) manufacturers introduced a procedure for Vehicle Diagnostic Protection, also known as SFD.

This procedure prevents you from making certain unauthorized modifications like coding or changes to control modules. While this no doubt helped quell rising security concerns, introducing SFD also meant less access to your car. As such, adjusting functions and enabling or disabling features of your vehicle became a much more time and money-consuming process.

How Does Vehicle Diagnostic Protection Work?

Volkswagen VAG introduced SFD protection following an analysis they did of company products and their security. What they found was that security measures have become outdated. And with vehicles becoming smarter, Volkswagen decided to strengthen data protection.

This new security measure now requires remote authorization in order to access manufacturer-locked features and control modules. While no doubt a setback for car enthusiasts, the SFD acts as an additional layer of protection, guarding your vehicle against malicious individuals and fraudulent activity.

The Rise of Third-Party Smart Diagnostic Devices

Smart diagnostic devices aren’t exactly a new thing – the need to access vehicle control modules without the help of workshops and dealerships has always been around. But when Volkswagen came out with the fabled security layer, it became much more difficult to access certain vehicle parts with simple diagnostic tools.

To make any kind of changes VW Group deems SFD-worthy, you must have authorization. And that authorization comes straight from the manufacturer’s servers. And here, it’s important to note that in order to complete the authorization process smoothly, there has to be an internet connection. So, if your diagnostics devices aren’t authorized, you’re essentially cut off from accessing some control units.

Volkswagen stated that in order for them to successfully log individual access to diagnostic content, stronger user authentication must be enforced. This is why owners of Volkswagen VAG Group vehicles are now required to use two-factor authentication.

SFD-Protected Volkswagen

How to Unlock your SFD-protected Car?

Currently, there are two ways you can unlock SFD. You must either have access to an authorized account or special keys called Tokens to access certain components in your vehicle’s control modules. But if you don’t have access, you won’t be able to make certain changes without having to go to a workshop or a dealership.

The OBDeleven diagnostic device is the first third-party diagnostic tool that’s able to unlock SFD. This is because this device was officially licensed by Volkswagen Group. OBDeleven is a pocket-sized Bluetooth device created for daily drivers, enthusiasts, and professionals. This device lets you unlock additional features of your vehicle even if your car came straight from Volkswagen, Audi, or any other VAG-associated car maker’s factory recently.

While this intelligent device has been around for quite some time, soon after Volkswagen announced the introduction of SFD Unlock, OBDeleven started working on safety requirements given by VW. In November 2021, they successfully launched the SFD auto-unlock feature, providing users with an incredibly easy-to-use tool that allows extensive vehicle modification.

It’s important to note that according to VAG’s safety requirements, users will have to fill out their data, like their name, surname, phone number, and country of residence, for the manufacturer’s servers to process the request.

OBDeleven allows owners of models like MQB Evo, MEB platform-based vehicles, Golf MK8, battery-powered ID.3, ID.4, and the ID.5 to amp up their driving experience with different functions that can be turned on or off with One-Click Apps. These apps are pre-made coding adaptations that can enable or disable vehicle features. Otherwise, you’d have to go to workshops to enable manufacturer-hidden features.

For drivers with more software development knowledge or electrical engineering, users can also use Coding & Long Coding on their SFD-protected vehicles to delve deeper into their control units to completely customize their car’s performance or even their customers’ vehicles.

Closing Thoughts

Vehicle Diagnostic Protection is probably the first step towards introducing more severe protection protocols to fend against the growing cyber threats. However, no matter what novelties come, there will always be ways to tune up your car. For now, OBDeleven is a good choice if you’re looking for a quick and easy solution to bypass the SFD protection layer and have more control over your Volkswagen or Audi.