How To Clean A Convertible Top Mustang?
The mustang’s convertibles usually have a vinyl or cloth convertible top that is prone to molds or damage if not maintained properly. So, how to clean convertible top mustang? The maintenance process is simple that requires a few important products and devices.
However, the tops usually have UV protection or water repellant that protects against rust, so be gentle when cleaning, so the protective layer is not harmed. Make sure to draw a routine cleanup for your mustang for better longevity and better resale value.
Steps for Cleaning Convertible Top Mustang
Follow the simple steps elaborated below for cleaning the top of the mustang.
Step 1: Determine If you have a Vinyl or a Cloth Top has a simple solution for this. Simply pour a glass of water over the top. If the water rolls away, it means it has a vinyl top, and if it gets absorbed, it has a cloth top. This is important for deciding which chemicals to use to clean the convertible top.
Step 2: Remove All Dirt from the Mustang Top
To ensure that the mustang top is dirt-free, you have to vacuum the top. You can go the extra mile by using a lint roller on top of vacuuming to make sure that all dust particles are removed.
Step 3: Clean the Top of the Mustang
Clean thoroughly with a water pipe but with low pressure; then, use a gentle soap that does not contain any harsh chemicals. Most importantly, make sure to steer away from any soaps that have detergent in them.
Then apply the gentle soap in a cloth and gently scrub the top with a circular motion. Instead of soap, you can opt for a soft-bristled brush.
Besides, make sure whatever chemicals or soaps used are compatible with your mustang top fabric. After that, again rinse the top with water to remove all the soaps and chemicals.
Step 4: Allow the Top to Dry
After cleaning the top, drive your car to a bright area with sunshine to speed up the process of drying. This step is to avoid any rust or damage. Finally, completely dry off the top before proceeding to the next step.
Step5: Spray the Protectant on the Top
Once dried, vacuum the top again to remove any residual dirt or cleaning products. After that, spray a protectant evenly across the fabric. The repellent is a protective layer that shields against water and UV damage.
Be sure to spray a protectant compatible with the kind of fabric the convertble top is made of.
After spraying the protectant, allow it to dry before using it again. Each protectant brand has very specific requirements, so read the guidelines to understand better how to use the repellant.
Why Shouldn’t You Take Your Mustang to a Car Wash Service Centre?
As beautiful as Mustangs are, their convertible nature makes them a tad high maintenance. Carwash centers use harsh chemicals and procedures that are not suitable for convertibles.
1. To Avoid Harsh Chemicals
Avoid taking the cars to car washing shops unless they have services that specifically cater to treating Mustangs. The hoods or tops of Mustang are very delicate, and harsh chemicals with detergent, vinegar or alcohol are especially harmful to the cars.
2. To Ensure that the Protectant Sprayed is Free From any Lint
Moreover, Mustangs require a protectant to be sprayed to shield them against environmental conditions and water damage. Car wash centers might use fabric that leaves behind threads; if these threads are not properly cleaned before applying the protective spray, it can damage the top of your Mustang.
Last Words
There are a few nuances to how to clean a convertible top of a Mustang. Convertible tops are usually coated with UV protection and water-repellant materials and care must be taken to avoid any damage to these layers. Otherwise, there may be irreversible damage to the convertible top.
To ensure that your mustang is in pristine conditions for years, make a cleaning schedule for the Mustang convertible top as they are the most susceptible to damage.
Clean the hood every one to two months and avoid any harsh chemicals or methods in the process. If you follow these simple routines, your convertible Mustang top will last for a very long time.