How Transducers Are Used On Cars

You may have heard terms such as transducer or sensor used by engineering and automobile experts. Both are used in various applications and industries, ranging from infra-red toilet flushes, pressure gauges in oxygen tanks, and medical electronics to huge HVAC systems, ramp/bridge lifting, and vehicle steering systems.

Sometimes these terms are used interchangeably, but that wouldn’t be accurate. There are slight differences between them, mainly in terms of output. Sensors are used in measurement, while transducers convert signals from one physical form to another, though they can also measure. It would be more accurate to say that sensors are a form of transducer that receives and responds to signals from a physical system.

What Are Transducers?

Electrical signals can be converted from and to physical elements such as light, force, motion, energy, etc. Converting one form of energy into another is known as transduction.

Transducers are used in automation, control systems, and measurement. Those which convert physical quantities into mechanical quantities are mechanical transducers, while those that convert physical quantities to electrical quantities are electrical transducers.

A great example would be a microphone or a loudspeaker which converts sound waves that is mechanical energy into audio signals that are electrical energy.

Transducers may be categorized according to the direction in which data passes through them:

  • Sensors receive and respond to signals from physical systems and produce a signal that provides information about the system.
  • Actuators move or control systems or mechanisms.
  • Bidirectional transducers such as radio antennas and voice coils in microphones can translate physical phenomena into electrical signals and vice versa.

How Are Transducers Used In Automobiles?

The auto industry has always remained in the front line of innovation. This sector uses state-of-the-art technology in almost every part of automotive design.

An example that immediately comes to mind is power steering. Power steering or the torque transducer debuted in 1951. It was fitted in the Chrysler Imperial and used hydraulic power to make turning the vehicle more effortless. Today power steering is an integral part of the industry, although in a very different avatar from more than half a century ago.

Torque transducers are used for calibrating automatic transmissions and mapping engine torque, and these represent some of the basic steps in automobile manufacturing. They are used to test customer use during standard and rare driving conditions. The torque sensor collects important information used in the development and analyzes crash and accident conditions.

Transducers have many other applications in the auto industry. They are used in transmission, engine, emission, exhaust, and brakes. These areas require a high rate of accuracy and reliability in pressure measurement. They are used to test clutches and gearboxes, measure strain, determine the engine’s dynamic torque, and measure horsepower. This last application is especially important today because it helps to improve fuel efficiency. Torque transducers are also used in the measurement of suspension systems. They can also be used to measure aspects of the brakes and powertrain.

The wheel-force transducer is another vital component in modern auto technology. This multiaxial precision measuring system is used to get data from three forces and moments on wheels as they rotate.

The chassis of different vehicles include passenger cars, SUVs, commercial vehicles, industrial vehicles. These transducers are used in the testing and development of the entire chassis. They can also be used to test and develop racing car chassis. Apart from chassis testing, they’re also used to test and develop tires.

Sensor-type transducers are used extensively in modern automobiles. These vehicles must make multiple decisions based on the data from the mechanical and electrical systems from various sensors that interface with the vehicle’s computer systems.

These systems play a vital role in ensuring the safety of the vehicle. That is why the data they generate has to be highly accurate.

Auto design engineers use an interface from the loads on the road to put the design together as there is no other component between the road and the wheel hub apart from the tires and the wheel force transducer. These transducers relay the data on operating loads very swiftly and easily so the engineers can calibrate the design accordingly.

In automobile engineering, transducers also enable greater degrees of automation and develop futuristic designs. Sensors can be used in car body painting by robotic arms. These arms can accurately measure the thickness of the paint being applied in each coat to have a more even and consistent spread of the paint.

All the sensors inside the vehicle are connected to the engine’s ECU. This contains both the software and hardware that have been installed during manufacture. Today, most mechanical and pneumatic controls have been substituted by sophisticated electrical and electronic controls. These components are lighter, cheaper, flexible, and easy to handle. They also eliminate the number of wires and help reduce emissions to a large extent. Monitoring and controlling the vehicle is easier with the help of the ECU, and so is diagnosing problems.

When it comes to communications, the sensors help make connections and information exchange between different components and devices swifter and easier. Emissions can be kept at optimal levels, ensuring that your vehicle stays in compliance with current environmental regulations.

As vehicles get more expensive and technology-intensive, the number of ECU’s increases, and these offer even more features. In cheaper cars, the number of transducers and sensors is less, so the number of features is limited. Commonly found sensors include those that control ambient light, ABS (anti-lock braking system), oil and fluid levels, speed, steering angle, light levels, and more.

As a vehicle owner or driver, you may not need to know the number or function of these transducers and sensors installed in your vehicle. However, if there is a malfunction or breakdown of any of these components, it’s helpful to be aware of the basics. This way, you can also keep yourself aware of the replacement part’s quality, price, performance levels, and genuineness.

A glimpse into the future of auto technology will open up a huge range of possibilities. With AI and autonomous vehicles set to enter the arena, the complexity of these sensors and transducers will only increase as there will be greater demand for higher performance, safety, and processing of enormous volumes of real-time data streaming in from a multitude of sources both inside and outside the vehicle.